Feb 18, 2011

The tv as teacher...

One of the most valuable tools (other than bible) I have found in our homeschooling is the one thing I try to minimize in our house. The television. It has helped me teach all of subjects and it has helped me inspire creativity and curiosity.

What once acted as babysitter has now become teacher of both myself and the kids. On days when learning is slow, the t.v. expands on what we have been learning. It also challenges us to go deeper because as anyone knows, just because its on t.v. doesn't make us true. It has also served as a spring board for further learning and gives me a glimpse into what interest my kids. Surprisingly my 13yr old is just as likely to watch the history or military channel instead of cartoons.

So in the months ahead I plan on sharing some of our favorite shows and the channels that have programming that teaches. As always you need to make sure that the shows fit your values, but I also ask that you don't cross a show off your list that seems not to. As a family we have had some great conversations about our values while watching shows that had an opposing view to our families believes. I will do my best to let you know some details that might help you determine if this show is for your family. Please feel free to share with me shows that have helped your family.

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