Sep 9, 2010

Working for God....

We worked hard today & still need to do our reading of "The Witch of Blackbird Pond". However we managed to finish 2.5 in Lotus' math & worked on long multiplication & short division with Killian.

Lotus seemed to understand rounding & estimating, but I would like to continue working on this while shopping this week. I am also going to give her problems while carschooling. Plus I am going to add some review pages to a math box to be done as extra credit. 

Killian made simple mistakes while doing the multiplication such as adding or multiplying wrong, but overall he seems to have grasped the concept. However these simple mistakes are what concerns me the most. Today we once again fought because Killian gives up too quickly & says he cant do something or he rushes through his work. This is not something new by any means. We have struggled with it since he started school.

Today he had a list of what needed to be done & he just sat there saying, "I cant do this!" about one of his assignments. However he hadnt even bothered looking at the book or even trying. To put it in perspective, the assignment was to copy Collosians 3:23 from his bible into his prayer journal. Copywork is something I have explained before to him & he knows how to use the table of contents. He just didnt want to be bothered with it. He wanted me to explain it to him, but I know this is not really the problem.

The problem is that Killian only gives just enough to get by. He does everything with mediocricity unless of course its something he wants to be doing. I will be honest I dont know how to fix this. I have taken away things. I have punished him. Nothing seems to make a difference. The funny thing is the verse he was copying was about working at something with all your heart like your doing it for God. We had just talked about it this morning, but its not real to him in his heart. Its just words.

I completely understand that struggle. Heck I struggle with it everyday, which makes it even harder to deal with. I want to give my best, but I dont feel like I gave my best when dealing with this situation. I lost my patience when he needed direction. I explained to him that I get fustrated because I know he's capable of more, but Ive said this before & nothing seems to change. I need Gods guidance in this & a lot of prayer, because I know that this one negative habit will affect his whole life. Ive seen it in my life & in Scott's.

Their are a lot of people in the world that have learned to just get by & have missed out on all God had planned for them. I dont want this for Killian or Lotus. I want them to live power packed lifes that find their strength in their God. I want them to "work as if their working for God & not man" (Colossians 3:23) and find the contentment that comes from living "serving".

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