Aug 31, 2011


Since my last post we have been working really hard.

Killian has already started his American History/Literature co-op class and is enjoying it. Right now he is reading Scarlett Letter which I am hoping to start reading as well and he studied the poet Anne Bradstreet this past week also. Of course his favorite part of the class is getting to hang during lunch with the other kids who from what he says love video games as much as he does.Big suprise!!

Lotus is doing wonderfully and speeding through her math and language arts. Luckily for me she wakes up everyday ready to learn something new and this year she's like a sponge. She is really getting it which makes for one proud mama. She is also enjoying her cross country group. Well I should say she likes hanging out with her friends, but the running is killing her. However she is commited to it and I am as well. Her first meet is next Tuesday which she is excited and nervous about.

All in all everything is going fabulously and I owe a lot of that to the new planning tool Im using this year. Uh oh hear comes the product review... No seriously I have went through about 30 planners and everytime gave up on them because they were too complicated or didnt allow me flexibility, but the Homeschool Tracker is a true blessing to our homeschooling. And its free. I would say take it for a test drive if your looking for something new.

For now Im off to bed because tomorrow is a busy day.

Aug 19, 2011

Homeschooling on hold...

So the first day of school went by without a problem. Then early Tuesday morning I got really sick and got very little sleep which meant Tuesday was a day of doing nothing. Then Wednesday night I got sick again, ended up going to the hospital and then having my gall bladder removed. Now Im finally home, but still hurting and groggy because of the meds. All of this to say homeschooling has been put on hold, including some classes the kids were taking, but this has given me a better idea about how to handle this type of situation in the future. Luckily there is a lot of flexibility in homeschooling, but a sub folder is definently in order. Now just to recover and to teach the kids some important character lessons... care for the edelery (aka mom). Oh and a study of the gallbladders fuction.

Aug 15, 2011

A new year...

A new school year has begun along with new courses, new adventures and of course new changes to our blog. So take a look at Killian's and Lotus' page to see what the year holds for them or take a look at our home page for links to some of the sites we will be using.

Also make sure to check out Lotus' new blog which in the months ahead will be filled with all things Lotus: her thoughts, her dreams and a record of her days. Hopefully she will be better at updating than I am. As always we appreciate your prayers as we seek to grow not only in the knowledge of math, language arts, history and science, but also in the knowledge of Christ.

On a side note, but at the top of our goals for the year, we are seeking to get down and dirty with the least of these. I want my heart and the hearts of my children opened wide daily. Even if that means that we hurt in the process. I want us to learn the heart of Christ.